The Dona Watson Show

Just Do the Right Thing

Dona Watson Season 1 Episode 31

(Episode 31) In this crazy life, we're sometimes faced with decisions. How do you know what's the right thing to do? We're going to talk about that today!

Speaker 1:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Dona Watson Show. I'm your host, Dona Watson. I'm just an average American Patriot who loves God, her family, her country. I try really hard to listen to God's voice. Sometimes I write stuff. Come with me, together let's explore this crazy experience we call life. Welcome to the show.


Hello everybody. Welcome to Episode 31: Just do the right thing. One morning as I was beginning to read my devotions, I asked the Lord to bless the reading of the Word and to show me what he had for me that day. And as I read, my thoughts focused on King Joash. He was rescued from assassination when he was only a year old, made king at age seven, raised by the priests in the temple. He had them repair the temple and he seemed to reign well for 40 years. But at the young age of 47, 2 of his servants assassinated him and his son Amaziah became king. When Joash was just a baby, evil tried to wipe out the Davidic line. Joash's aunt, Jehosheba, sister to King Ahaziah, didn't know if she would be successful in rescuing the baby. But here's the key: She saw evil. She saw the princes being assassinated and she could not stand by and do nothing. God had promised King David a survivor, and Jehosheba looked in the face of evil and chose to do the right thing. She chose to save a baby's life and in doing so, she helped to preserve David's line.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says in 2 Kings 12:2, that Joash did what was right in the Lord's sight. And yet he was still assassinated at the age of 47. Do you think Jehosheba would've saved the baby's life if she had known he'd later be assassinated as a grown man? Somehow I think that yes, she would have. Even though Joash's life ended way too young, the Davidic line was preserved because of her actions. My friends, this is a rough and tumble world that we live in. Just because we do the right thing, does not guarantee a"puppies and rainbows" ending to our lives. Rather, doing the right thing will usually put you in the crosshairs of the enemy's sites. But know this: while we are sure to face hardship and adversity in this life, God's perfect plan will come about in the end.


At some point, we are all faced with choices. Jehosheba could have done the easy thing, run away and saved herself, but she saw an innocent baby in need of saving and decided to do something about it. She made the hard choice. She made the right choice. She chose righteousness. Will you like Jehosheba choose to stand against evil? Today let's make good choices that will help to further the kingdom of God. That's all I have for you today. Have a good day.