The Dona Watson Show

Who Has Your Attention? (Or Fear-Mongers vs. The LORD of Armies)

Dona Watson Season 1 Episode 33

(Episode 33) When it comes to life, whose lens are you looking through? Who has your ear? Today I want to encourage you to not be afraid! The LORD of Armies is in control!


Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Dona Watson Show. I'm your host, Dona Watson. I'm just an average American Patriot who loves God, her family, her country. I try really hard to listen to God's voice. Sometimes I write stuff. Come with me, together let's explore this crazy experience we call life. Welcome to the show. Hello, hello, everybody. Welcome to Episode 33:"Who has your attention? Or Fear-mongers v ersus the Lord of armies." I got something a little bit different for you today. I wanna talk a little bit about fear. Now, I'm typically not one to watch the news regularly. That's because I'm a writer and know one of the favorite adages of newsroom producers: If it bleeds, it leads. News producers are typically too well tuned in to our sense of morbid curiosity. They know that bad news sells. I know myself well enough to know that when it comes to negativity, I sure don't need any encouragement. I can easily become discouraged or even depressed all by myself. I don't need any help to nudge me in that direction. That's why I decided long ago that I needed to stop watching the evening news. I figured that if it's truly important, it will filter down to me somehow. That said, with all the developments of the last couple years, I thought it wouldn't hurt to find one or two trusted sources to follow, which I have done. And I just simply check headlines once a day, if that. Even then, by the time the so-called news reaches me, the consumer, it's already gone through so many filters that I take it with a grain of salt. I know that there are many in media who wouldn't bat an eye to swing our opinions, to match their own. Truth be told, I don't really trust anyone in the news industry. Journalism's not what it used to be. And even conservatives can be mistaken. So when we hear about protests and wars, the first thing I do is look at who is supporting or protesting and what do they support or protest. And when looking at things in this way, sometimes things suddenly become much more clear to me. If I see politicians who work hard to ignore election fraud a nd basic human rights, then I know I need to look carefully at their motives before I support anything they say, whether national or international i n nature. I've become convinced that there are some politicians who want us to be in war for war's sake. And the issues facing us are rarely what they appear to be as presented to us by the media and the politicians. That was a little bit of a bunny trail. We'll get back on track here. Instead, these days, I find myself praying about everything before jumping to conclusions, or at least that's what I try to do. Um, not perfect! But I know that my God is the God of truth. And I firmly believe that when we pray and seek the truth, that it will be revealed to us. So when you hear a negative news report, I'd like to encourage you to not immediately become distressed and fearful. Know that the fear-mongers are not the ones in control of this world. One of my favorite names of God that is found in the Bible is the Lord of Armies. My daily Bible is the Christian Standard Bible, which uses this title often in its translation from the original Hebrew. Speaking of this God, we find in Psalm 46, verses 6 and 7:"Nations rage, kingdoms topple; the earth melts when he lifts his voice. The Lord of Armies is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold." Did you catch that? It doesn't matter how the nations rage at each other. It's gonna happen and kingdoms will fall. But through it all, the Lord of Armies has our back. He is our stronghold. He is with us. In verse 10 of Psalm 46 we find this:"Stop your fighting, and know that I am God, exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth." I also know that God is a God of justice and that in the end, those who have sought to wreak havoc in this world will have to answer for the blood on their hands. Given that, and knowing that justice will prevail in the end, when I hear disturbing news from the media, it has become much easier to refocus my gaze on the Lord of Armies and ask him, what does he think of that? I know he is my stronghold, no matter what might come my way, Please, please don't ever forget that. If you've gotten nothing else from my ramblings today, hear this: Psalm 46:7,"The Lord of Armies is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold." Rest in him, be strong, and don't be swayed by the fear-mongers who would have you cower helplessly in place. Realize that there is strength in your local communities, support your local small businesses and build a strong network around you of family and friends. I really am convinced that our ticket back to a healthy society lies there. I know this was a little bit different today. Um, but it's what was on my heart. It's what I wanted to share with you guys. Don't be afraid. Don't listen to those who spin lies and try to make us cower in fear and helplessness. You are stronger than you think you are, and God is in control. That's all I have for today. Love you guys. Bye.