The Dona Watson Show

Who's Standing with You?

Dona Watson Season 2 Episode 8

(Season 2, Episode 8) When the storms of life come, it's important to know who's standing with you. In the midst of his trials, the prophet Jeremiah said, "The LORD stands beside me like a great warrior" (Jer. 20:11). Who is the one standing next to you?

Speaker 1:

Hello everybody. Welcome to the Dona Watson Show. I'm your host Dona Watson. I'm just an average American patriot who loves God, her family, her country. I try really hard to listen to God's voice. Sometimes I write stuff. Come with me. Together let's explore this crazy experience we call life . Welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody. As I'm recording this, it is Monday morning and I hope that you are finding this week with energy, ready to go and get with it. But if you're not, that's okay too. I have a little word for you today. I've been reading in Jeremiah, and Jeremiah to me is a really interesting character. He was incredibly faithful to do exactly what he was told. Whenever the Lord told him to do something , according to the book of Jeremiah, he went out and did it. And this is an interesting example for us today because for Jeremiah, it wasn't always fun and games. He had a lot of struggles. He had a very unpopular message. And when he would bring the word of the Lord, he would be mocked, he would be whipped. He was put in stocks at the Benjamin Gate of the Lord's temple and it was a very difficult life for him. But he didn't give up. And I think there's an example for us today if we look at Jeremiah. I want to share with you from Jeremiah chapter 20, verses 11 through 13 . I'll pick up a little bit before that. He was complaining to the Lord in this 20th chapter (I'm reading today from the New Living version). And he says, "Oh Lord, you misled me....You are stronger than I am, and you overpowered me. Now I'm mocked every day; everyone laughs at me." Do you ever feel that way? You try to share the truth, you try to share the gospel and people mock you and they laugh at you...or worse.


Then people started calling Jeremiah, "The Man Who Lives In Terror" and they threaten, "If you say anything, we will report it." He says, "Even my old friends are watching me, waiting for a fatal slip. 'He will trap himself,' they say, 'and then we will get our revenge on him.'' Oh, but listen to verse 11. Jeremiah knew where his strength was. He knew his identity. He knew where he was supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

And he says, "But the Lord stands beside me like a great warrior. Before him my persecutors will stumble. They cannot defeat me. They will fail and be thoroughly humiliated. Their dishonor will never be forgotten. O LORD of Heaven's Armies, you test those who are righteous, and you examine the deepest thoughts and secrets. Let me see your vengeance against them, for I have committed my cause to you. Sing to the LORD! Praise to the LORD! For though I was poor and needy, he rescued me from my oppressors."


He went on to complain a little bit more, to curse the day that he was born. He wasn't having a good day, poor Jeremiah. But look at this, guys. Even in the midst of trial and tribulation and complaining—not one of his better days—he still recognized where his truth came from. He recognized where his strength came from. "The Lord stands beside me like a great warrior. Before him, my persecutors will stumble." See, Jeremiah could see the future. He knew what was gonna happen. He knew that at the end, the Lord was gonna win. And that's my word for you today.

Speaker 2:

Know where your strength is. Your strength is in the Lord. The Lord is a great warrior and he stands beside every single one of his children. Not just Jeremiah, but you and me. The Lord is gracious. He is compassionate and quick to love, and he protects his people. Doesn't mean we won't have trials, but that's why he's given us tools to fight the spiritual battles that come our way. We'll continue to talk more about that as we go on, but I just wanted to offer this quick word for you guys today and to tell you all that I love you so much and I'm praying for you, and I hope you have a blessed, victorious day. Take care.